The Slog

As the boy King emerged from the voting booth, it was clear from his facial expression that he wasn’t expecting the Assembly carnage that was to follow. In the next door booth (see high heels to his left) the fragrant Brigitte was still engaged in her decision. Was she, we ask ourselves, voting for LePen?

If she was, then she was clearly far from alone: today, Marine’s Party finds itself the owner of 89 seats – whereas previously, she had just the 8.

A very clear message was sent to Macron by the French People last night: you are the President, but you aren’t Macronapoleon. The new share-out of seats in the Assembly means that Macron’s Ensemble has lost its parliamentary majority – a very rare occurrence for a Head of State in the the Fifth Republic brought about by Charles de Gaulle 64 years ago. Worse still for Manny…

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